API Overview
POST /users/new
POST /users/new {
username: "string",
password: "string",
Stop Limits
Configurable Stop Limits prevents AutoBalter from overloading the service. Saturate your endpoints without taking the entire stack down (or do, AutoBalter can scale indefinitely)
Latest Load Test
2,379Max Latency (p90)
2.47sMax Error Rate
32.3%AutoBalter automatically fuzzes every endpoint it targets, using the OpenAPI specification as a starting point. Adding regression tests is as easy as selecting the request you want to re-run each time and clicking "Add regression test."
Error Log
GET /stories
GET /stories {
next_token?: "string"
Stop Limits
Latest Load Test
23,003Max Latency (p90)
1.01sMax Error Rate
7.3%AutoBalter evaluates your service at all load levels, allowing you to identify potential scaling issues before they occur in production.
AutoBalter will attempt to learn the API parameters and uses exhaustive paramter searching as well as AI models to determine inputs which are likely to cause issues for the system.
Error Log
GET /stories/{story_id}
GET /stories/{story_id} {
Stop Limits
Latest Load Test
AutoBalter automatically scales to match the needs of your service. There is no limit to how many transactions per second AutoBalter can generate.
50,205Max Latency (p90)
2.70sMax Error Rate
6.82%Error Log
POST /users/login
APIs can be left vague, and AutoBalter will determine the relationship between parameters by exhaustive search and AI models.
POST /users/login {
username?: "string"
user_id?: "number"
password: "string"
Stop Limits
Latest Load Test
1,498Max Latency (p90)
1.05sMax Error Rate
34.0%Error Log
POST /stories
POST /stories {
title: "string",
url?: "string",
text?: "string"
Stop Limits
Latest Load Test
5,001Max Latency (p90)
531msMax Error Rate
1.5%Error Log
POST /stories/{story_id}/comments
POST /stories/{story_id}/comments {
text: "string",
parent_id?: "number"
Stop Limits
Latest Load Test
5,003Max Latency (p90)
571msMax Error Rate
1.1%Error Log